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Our Services

Our Tax Package Includes the Following Services: √ Utilization of Tax Incentives and Exemptions √ Preparation of Tax Computation for Detailed Information and Examples √ Tax Planning for Personal Income Tax (additional fees may apply depending on the complexity) √ Filing of Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) with the Tax Authorities, including definitions and timing for filing √ Responding to Queries from Tax Authorities (additional fees may apply depending on the complexity) √ Timely Reminders of Relevant Deadlines (via phone or email) √ Advance Payments on Behalf of Clients – Income Tax (handling fee of $107, including GST)

Singapore Tax

This tax rate adjustment is expected to affect the top 1.2% of the highest-income taxpayers.

Singapore Buy/Sell Company

Through our years of experience and professional service, we have received many positive reviews and endorsements from our clients. Contact us now for a quote. We offer comprehensive one-stop services, including company registration, virtual office, utility bill records, trademark registration, Hong Kong bank account opening, accounting, and bookkeeping. Remote operations available, no need for an in-person visit.

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How can we help your business? Because many people love our free consultation for growing their businesses which gives the user complete freedom to set up a business.

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