Types of Work Passes in Singapore

Singapore offers various types of work passes tailored to different categories of foreign workers:

  1. Work Permit (WP): Mainly for non-skilled foreign workers employed in labor-intensive industries.
  2. S Pass (SP): For mid-level skilled foreign employees earning a monthly salary between SGD 2,500 to SGD 4,500.
  3. Employment Pass (EP): Targeted at professionals, managers, executives, and technical experts with a monthly salary above SGD 4,500.
  4. Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass): Designed for individuals looking to start a business or invest in Singapore, without specific educational requirements but with innovation or investment criteria.
  5. Dependant’s Pass (DP): Issued to spouses and children under 21 years old of EP, SP, or EntrePass holders, allowing them to reside long-term in Singapore and enroll in public schools.
  6. Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP): Allows parents of Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs) to reside in Singapore long-term, granted only if their child is a PR.

EP and S Pass are particularly popular among those seeking Permanent Resident (PR) status. Salary level plays a crucial role in determining eligibility. EP, the highest tier work pass, allows holders to live and work in Singapore, enter and exit the country freely, and renew as long as they remain employed.

EntrePass caters to individuals with innovative ideas, investment capability, or entrepreneurial experience, without stringent educational prerequisites but subject to innovation or investment requirements.

Dependant’s Pass (DP) and Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP) facilitate long-term residence for foreign workers and their families in Singapore, promoting social integration and family life.

Updated on 18 July 2024