Singapore Corporate Tax: Single-Tier System and Benefits

In Singapore, the corporate tax system operates under a single-tier territorial basis. This means that there is no double taxation on stakeholders under the single-tier system—no further tax is levied on dividends paid by a company to its shareholders. Moreover, capital gains are not taxed in Singapore (examples of capital gains include profits from the sale of fixed assets and foreign exchange gains from capital transactions).

Our Comprehensive Tax Services Include:

  • Corporate Tax Specifications
  • Partnership and Individual Tax Filing
  • Tax Dispute Resolution
  • Corporate and Individual Tax Planning
  • Singapore Tax Structure and Planning
  • Effective Tax Structuring – Employment Packages
  • GST Filing and Specifications
  • GST Consultation and Planning
  • GST Review
  • Negotiation of Tax Incentives with Authorities
  • Utilization of Tax Incentives and Exemptions
  • Company Registration
  • Opening Company Bank Accounts
  • Business License Applications
  • GST Registration
  • Annual Reporting Requirements
  • Annual Income Tax Filing Requirements (Individual and Corporate)

Our Tax Package Includes the Following Services:

  • √ Utilization of Tax Incentives and Exemptions
  • √ Preparation of Tax Computation for Detailed Information and Examples
  • √ Tax Planning for Personal Income Tax (additional fees may apply depending on the complexity)
  • √ Filing of Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) with the Tax Authorities, including definitions and timing for filing
  • √ Responding to Queries from Tax Authorities (additional fees may apply depending on the complexity)
  • √ Timely Reminders of Relevant Deadlines (via phone or email)
  • √ Advance Payments on Behalf of Clients – Income Tax (handling fee of $107, including GST)

Steps to Get Started

Step 1: Understand Your Business Plans and Immigration Needs.

Step 2: Analyze Your Singapore Tax Planning.

Step 3: Recommend the Most Suitable Company Type, Set Up Bank Accounts, and Process Work Visas.

Step 4: Arrange Visas for Your Spouse and Children.

Step 5: Assist Your Company in Hiring Employees and Handle All HR Matters.

Step 6: At the End of Each Fiscal Year, Assist You in Completing ACRA Financial and Tax Compliance Processes.

Step 7: Help You Expand Your Business to Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand.

Contact Us Now!

Let us help you navigate the Singapore tax landscape and take advantage of all the benefits and incentives available. Our experienced consultants are here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your business operations are smooth and compliant with local regulations.