Policy Brief & Purpose

Our international recruitment policy outlines the practices and strategies we use to hire people worldwide. We explain the different approaches to international recruitment and when to use each one.


This policy applies to all employees, offices, and branches of our company, regardless of location.

  • “Parent country” refers to the country where our company was founded or is headquartered.
  • “Host country” refers to a country other than our parent country where our company has employees and operations.

We will consider our employees’ wishes and plans when deciding on transfers and relocations. We will never use international transfers as a means to discipline or retaliate against employees.

Policy Elements

There are four approaches to international recruitment: ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric. We primarily operate as a [geocentric company/polycentric company/etc.], but we may occasionally use other approaches based on our needs.

Here is a description of each approach with recommendations on how and when to use them:

What is Ethnocentric Staffing?

The ethnocentric approach to recruitment means hiring people from our parent country to fill positions worldwide. For example, to fill an executive role in a foreign country, we might:

  • Relocate one of our existing employees who is a permanent resident of our parent country.
  • Hire someone from our parent country who lives or wants to live in the host country.

We use the ethnocentric method when [opening a new branch in a new country to facilitate the transfer of our company’s policies and procedures from the parent country to the new branch]. As a rule, expatriates from our parent country should comprise less than [20%] of a foreign office to minimize total hiring costs and avoid losing touch with the local community.

What is Polycentric Staffing?

The polycentric approach to recruitment means hiring locals to fill positions in a host country. For example, we could advertise on local job boards or contract with a local recruitment agency.

We use the polycentric approach when [we need local skills to conduct our business. For example, if we want to expand our clientele in a specific country, we’d hire a local professional who knows the market and can coordinate our sales operations]. If we haven’t found qualified candidates after [four months], we’ll consider other approaches.

What is Regiocentric Staffing?

The regiocentric approach to recruitment means hiring or transferring people within the same region (like a group of countries) to fill our open positions. For example, we might transfer employees within Scandinavian countries. If we need to hire someone in Sweden (a host country), we could transfer an employee from Denmark, another host country in the same region.

We use the regiocentric approach when [the costs of transferring an employee from a host country are lower than transferring them from the parent country]. When deciding to use this approach, consider any language or cultural barriers that may exist.

What is Geocentric Staffing?

The geocentric approach to recruitment is hiring the best people to fill our positions without regard to their origin or current location. This means:

  • Hiring remote employees. We use this option when we want to hire someone in a place where we don’t have offices. For example, we might hire a customer support agent in another time zone to support our customers there.
  • Relocating our employees. This includes bringing foreign talent into our parent country and relocating people to a new host country. We use this approach when we need someone to be physically present at a specific location, but the best person for the job is living elsewhere.

To use the geocentric approach, we need a global outlook on recruitment. For example, when a position opens in a host country or our parent country, the hiring team could:

  • Advertise on global job boards first before using local job boards, clearly mentioning the job location. Also, advertise on job boards focused on remote work when possible.
  • Source candidates online without considering their current location.
  • Check our global employee database to find internal candidates who may wish to relocate.
  • Ask recruiters to suggest candidates they met at international career fairs or events.
  • Ask for referrals from our existing employees, as they may know someone suitable for the position and willing to relocate.

International Recruitment and Selection Process

Whenever a position opens, hiring teams should follow this process:

  1. Decide which staffing approach is most suitable for this particular case. Use this policy to determine whether the regiocentric, ethnocentric, or polycentric approach suits best. Discuss the budget with finance to ensure you can apply the chosen approach and whether another one could work equally well with lower costs. If there’s no particular reason to use any of them, then the [geocentric approach] should prevail.

  2. Determine the recruitment methods that work for this approach. For example, if you decide on the polycentric approach, consider local job boards and locally-based recruiters in the host country.

  3. Allocate your budget. Ensure you can coordinate recruitment activities by looking into your budget. For example, if you choose the ethnocentric approach, you’ll need to factor in relocation costs for your new hire. Also, you may need to meet candidates from the host country in person, so pay attention to travel expenses. Work with [finance/HR] to determine the available resources.

  4. Evaluate candidates. When it comes to resume and phone screening, we evaluate all candidates the same way. You could also use video interviews for remote candidates. Each role demands a different skill set, but to ensure our employees can work well together, look for people who:

    • Are self-motivated and can work independently (especially if their manager is remote).
    • Can communicate well across cultural and language barriers.
    • Have a global mindset.
    • Are tech-savvy.

    Additionally, depending on the approach, make sure to discuss if a candidate is legally permitted to work in the country where the position is located. If agreed upon, discuss immigration procedures.

  5. Close the hire and discuss paperwork. Once a candidate accepts a job offer, ask HR how to proceed with any legal procedures regarding visas, immigration policies, or taxes. Maintain close collaboration with the new hire until everything is resolved.





  • “母国”指的是公司成立或总部所在地的国家。
  • “东道国”指的是除母国之外公司拥有员工和业务的国家。







  • 调动一位母国的现有员工。
  • 雇佣一位母国籍人士,并安排其在东道国工作。










  • 雇佣远程员工。当我们需要在没有办公室的地方雇佣人员时,使用这一选项。例如,如果我们需要在另一个时区雇佣客户支持代表,以支持那里的客户。
  • 调动我们的员工。这包括将外国人才带入母国或将人员调动到新的东道国。当我们需要某人在特定地点工作,而最合适的人选住在别处时,使用这一方法。


  • 首先在全球招聘网站上发布广告,然后在本地招聘网站上发布,并清楚注明工作地点。此外,尽可能在远程工作招聘网站上发布广告。
  • 在线搜寻候选人,而不考虑他们的当前位置。
  • 检查我们的全球员工数据库,以找到可能愿意调动的内部候选人。
  • 要求招聘人员推荐他们在国际职业展览会或活动中遇到的候选人。
  • 询问现有员工是否有合适的人选,并愿意推荐。



  1. 决定哪种招聘方法最适合特定情况。使用此政策确定区域中心主义、民族中心主义或多中心主义方法是否最适用。与财务部门讨论预算,以确保您能够实施所选方法,并评估其他方法是否在成本较低的情况下同样有效。如果没有特别理由使用其他方法,则应优先使用[全球中心主义]。
  2. 确定适用于该方法的招聘方法。例如,如果决定使用多中心主义方法,则考虑东道国的本地招聘网站和本地招聘人员。
  3. 分配预算。确保能够协调招聘活动,检查您的预算。例如,如果选择民族中心主义方法,您需要考虑新员工的搬迁费用。此外,您可能需要亲自会见东道国的候选人,因此要注意旅行费用。与[财务/人力资源]部门合作,确定可用资源。
  4. 评估候选人。在简历筛选和电话筛选时,我们以相同方式评估所有候选人。您还可以对远程候选人进行视频面试。每个角色要求的技能不同,但为了确保我们的员工能够很好地合作,请寻找具备以下特点的人:
    • 自我激励,能够独立工作(特别是当他们的经理是远程时)。
    • 能够跨越文化和语言障碍进行良好沟通。
    • 具有全球视野。
    • 精通技术。


  1. 完成招聘并讨论文书工作。一旦候选人接受工作邀请,咨询人力资源部如何处理签证、移民政策或税务方面的法律程序。在此期间与新员工密切合作,直到一切顺利解决。